Our new website is complete,
so please proceed with the migration.

If you are using the app, click here:
https://www.nash.jp/nmc/lang=en >>

If you are using a PC, click here:
https://vimeo.com/ondemand/nmcenglish >>

14-Day Free Trial Available

How to Use Nash Music Channel APP


No Installation Required
Play Background Music on Your Device

Four Platform Options To Choose From

You can try a combination of various background music programs to have unlimited fun!





  • NEW [Exhibition Information] We exhibited at Supermarket EXPO ONLINE.
    V Other News

    (2022.1.15) [Notice of Exhibition] We will exhibit at Supermarket EXPO ONLINE.
    Company/Booth Name: Nash Studio Inc. Date & Time: 01/26 (Wed) 10:00 - 01/28 (Fri) 18:00

    (2021.5.31) Announcement of the distribution of the latest version of the app (version 2.1)
    Please update from App Store / Google Play Store.
    Update contents
    Improved the operability of the application.

    (2021.5.16) Nash Music Channel is now available on YouTube!
    If you subscribe to the YouTube membership, you can use the background music to play a video.
    You can also use this service on your PC web browser. Please refer to this website's "PC Users" section for more details.

    (2021.3.2) [Important] End of support for "Android5/iOS9 or lower devices" and "App version 1
    Support for "Android5/iOS9 and below" and "App Version 1" will be terminated with the start of the distribution of App Version 2.0. Please note that if you update to version 2.0 on these devices, the app may not work correctly. Likewise, please note that the app may not work correctly if you update it to version 2.0. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience to Android 5/iOS 9 and below users, but please try to use a new device as soon as possible.
    We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try to use a new device as soon as possible. (Go to the "Google Play Store" application > Menu > Settings > Auto-update apps, and set it to "No.")

    (2020.11.20) The iOS version of the app is now compatible with Mac OS.
    The iOS version of the app can now be used on Macs with Apple Silicon.

    (2020.2.7) We participated in the Tokyo Gift Show 2020 from February 5 to 7, 2020.
    We want to express our sincere gratitude to the many people who visited our booth.
Thank you very much. We will let you know when the show will be held again, so please stop by and call us.

    (2019.12.9) This app was introduced in "Foodist Media," a web magazine about "food" run by Restaurant.com.
    > > How to use background music in restaurants. Create a unique space with the Nash Music Channel.
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